Luxair invests in its future fleet with the purchase of two Boeing 737-8 - News -

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Luxair invests in its future fleet with the purchase of two Boeing 737-8


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On Friday 3 March, Luxair's Board of Directors approved the purchase of two Boeing 737-8 aircraft to be delivered in first quarter 2026, investing in the future growth of Luxair. Already today, Luxair is expanding the connectivity of Luxembourg and the Greater Region to satisfy the increasing demand in these markets. In anticipation of this development Luxair has secured with Boeing an immediate fleet increase based on two Boeing 737-8 aircraft under a leasing agreement which will enter into service in the summer season 2023. These aircraft will be operated by Luxair crews and will allow Luxair to better mitigate the financial impacts of the energy crisis, given the increased efficiency of these new generation planes.

Furthermore, Luxair and Boeing are negotiating a purchase of two additional aircraft of the same type to be delivered in 2027, when the lease agreement will run out. The purchase of up to four Boeing 737-8 aircraft is considered as an essential part of the investments in the future of Luxair.

A more comfortable flying experience on board the Boeing 737-8

The Boeing 737-8, scheduled for delivery in 2026, will have a capacity of up to 186 seats with a seating arrangement that offers a more comfortable flying experience. On board, passengers will enjoy a more spacious cabin, improved seating comfort, greater than average seat spacing of other airlines (30 inches) and larger overhead bins to accommodate more cabin baggage.

Greater autonomy: Towards even more destinations

With a range of 3.100 nautical miles (5.740 km), the Boeing 737-8 will already in 2023 extent Luxair’s current operating range. The aircraft will hence be used for longer flights such as the ones operated currently to Dubai, Cap Verde and Senegal but will also serve Luxair’s remaining network. With these new aircraft Luxair can even expand its destination portfolio to more distant places and provide new travel perspectives to its passengers.



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