Brussels Airlines flies Red Flames to England for European Championship - Actualité -

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Brussels Airlines flies Red Flames to England for European Championship


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Today, Brussels Airlines’ Trident brings the Belgian national football team, the Red Flames and its delegation to Manchester for the European Championship in England. As the official airline of the Red Flames, Brussels Airlines is proud to bring the women’s team to the European Championship for the first time.

On board of flight SN1045 are the 23 selected players, accompanied by coach Ives Serneels, the Belgian Football Federation staff and a delegation of Belgian media. Trident took off at 11.30 am and has arrived in Manchester at 11.40 local time.

“As Belgium’s home carrier it is our honour to bring the Red Flames to such an important tournament. I am a big fan of the team myself and hope they will return with us to Belgium as late as possible, with the trophy. I call upon everyone at Brussels Airlines and all Belgians to cheer them on with every fibre of their being.”
Peter Gerber, CEO Brussels Airlines

"We are very happy to have in Brussels Airlines a partner that allows our Red Flames and their staff to travel on the same plane as the Belgian Red Devils. Thanks to these ideal flight conditions, our team will arrive in England in the best possible way just a few days before their first game of the European Championship."
Manu Leroy, Marketing and Communication Director of the RBFA

It is the second time the Red Flames have qualified for the European Championship and the first time Brussels Airlines is flying them to the tournament, as the last time they were qualified the tournament took place in the Netherlands.



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