Condor A330neo D-ANRT takes off for first flight - Actualité -

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Condor A330neo D-ANRT takes off for first flight


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First passenger flight takes off today: The newest member of the fleet landed at Düsseldorf Airport from Toulouse on Monday evening. Since then, all the necessary checks and approvals have taken place in the Condor Technik hangar, meaning that the aircraft will take off on its first commercial flight today. Prior to this, the positioning flight from Düsseldorf to Frankfurt will take place. Flight DE2302 will take off from Frankfurt towards the Indian Ocean at around 04:50 p.m.

D-ANRT is dedicated to Ralf Teckentrup with a special livery

The special livery of the new aircraft has already been unveiled at an exclusive event this week. Representatives from the fields of politics, aviation and industry as well as employees from all Condor professional groups came together in Technical Hall 7 at Düsseldorf Airport to bid farewell to Condor CEO Ralf Teckentrup on his retirement. Not only do the initials of the outgoing CEO appear in the D-ANRT registration, the A330neo also bears the words "thank you, tecke". The dedication is Condor's way of thanking Ralf Teckentrup for 20 years of tireless commitment.



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