Condor Back at Leipzig/Halle Airport in Time for the Winter Holidays - News -

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Condor Back at Leipzig/Halle Airport in Time for the Winter Holidays


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Germany's most popular leisure airline will once again be offering connections from Leipzig/Halle Airport from January 30.

This is Condor's response to the early winter vacations in Saxony. Twice a week, Condor will bring vacationers back to the Egyptian resort of Hurghada and fly to the Canary Islands three times a week: on Fridays to Tenerife, on Saturdays to Fuerteventura and on Sundays to Gran Canarias. On the islands, pleasant temperatures prevail even in winter and vacationers can enjoy sun, beaches and the sea. Journeys are immediately bookable with all German organizers, flight tickets are available as usual on the airline's website (link below).

Connections from Leipzig/Halle

Hurghada – Monday, Thursday
Tenerife – Friday
Fuerteventura – Saturday
Gran Canarias – Sunday



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