Special TAP Air Portugal operation allows 3,500 Portuguese citizens to return home - News - IFSMAG.com

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Special TAP Air Portugal operation allows 3,500 Portuguese citizens to return home


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Airline lays on 12 extraordinary flights to Africa to bring home its Customers and carry medical and humanitarian cargo.

TAP has organised a special operation this week to allow around 3,500 Portuguese citizens to return to Portugal and took medical and humanitarian cargo by laying on 12 extraordinary flights to Angola, São Tomé, Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde and Mozambique.

In light of the difficult times the world is facing due to Covid-19, TAP planned a series of exceptional flights this week to and from African countries in close cooperation with the ministry of foreign affairs.

The Portuguese Airline managed to organise 12 extraordinary flights in record time, ensuring that all safety and operational conditions were in place so that these flights could take place on a daily basis - between Tuesday and Sunday - in adverse conditions, exceptionally overcoming the limitations and restrictions different countries had imposed, with the countries’ cooperation.

The first of TAP’s special flights took off on Tuesday 24 March for Luanda, in Angola, and Praia and Sal, in Cape Verde. The operation continued with a flight to Bissau on Wednesday 25 March, a flight to São Tomé on Thursday 26 March, and four flights on Friday: two from Luanda, one from Bissau and one from the Praia. The Airline has a night flight from Luanda to Lisbon planned for this Saturday 28 March.

This week’s operation comes to an end on Sunday with two return flights to the capital of Mozambique by a 298-seat Airbus A330neo.

The Airline wishes to thank the ministry of foreign affairs and central and local organisations for all the support they provided, as well as its flight crews and all the other employees for their sense of mission and commitment that have enabled these complex operations to take place, ensuring the Portuguese citizens’ return at this difficult time and surmounting the various challenges in the best manner possible.

The Airline reports that the Contact Centre is receiving a high number of calls. TAP regrets the inconvenience that these circumstances may cause its Customers and it is making every effort to ensure the fastest possible response.

Photo : @runway25photography



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