SAS brand new Airbus A321 Long Range first flight - News -

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SAS brand new Airbus A321 Long Range first flight


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SAS' first Airbus A321 Long Range will complete its first long-haul flight on Wednesday 22nd of December from Copenhagen to Washington. It will enter official service on 27th of March, 2022.

The new aircraft is equipped with a service concept with three travel classes, like the rest of SAS’ long-haul fleet, and will increase SAS’ flexibility to meet Scandinavian travel patterns. The A321LR is part of SAS’ ongoing fleet renewal and will reduce climate-impacting emissions in comparison to previous generations of similar aircraft.

This narrow-body, single aisled aircraft is specially configured to fly longer distances than a standard A321neo. The smaller aircraft gives SAS the opportunity to fill the aircraft on new routes and will be a welcome addition to the SAS long haul fleet. The A321LR will increase the SAS’ flexibility to adjust to changes in the demand for new routes and destinations.

The A321LR is part of the latest generation of aircraft and is expected to reduce climate-impacting emissions by around the same amount as when SAS introduced the A320neo, whose carbon footprint is approximately 15-18 percent smaller than an equivalent size aircraft from the previous generation.

SAS' new A321LR completed its first flight for SAS on 20th of December between Copenhagen and Oslo. It will officially enter service on 27th of March, 2022 and is planned to operate on routes from Copenhagen to Washington, Boston and New York.



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