A First: Direct from Seoul to Switzerland with SWISS - Actualité - IFSMAG.com

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A First: Direct from Seoul to Switzerland with SWISS


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For the first time, Korean passengers can fly directly to the central European country of Switzerland with Swiss International Air Lines. Situated in the heart of Europe, Switzerland is famous for its unique culture, snow peaked mountains and hospitable people. With the launch of LX123 from Soeul, Koreans can now fly directly to Zurich.

With a winning combination of natural beauty and modernity, Zurich offers a unique travel experience to explorers and culture aficionados alike. In addition to leisure travelers, business travelers will benefit from the strong ties between the two countries with South Korea being Switzerland’s fourth-biggest Asian trading partner.

Last year Korea and Switzerland celebrated 60 years of bilateral relations. Today we witnessed the first direct flight between these two nations. With various exchanges in the realms of education, economics and culture, the first direct connection between Switzerland and Korea aims to further strengthen ties between these two nations.



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