Lufthansa flies to the home of Santa Claus for the first time this winter - Actualité -

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Lufthansa flies to the home of Santa Claus for the first time this winter


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Wintertime is Christmas time and anyone who has always wanted to visit Santa Claus in his “official” hometown now has the chance to do so non-stop with Lufthansa from Frankfurt. From November 30, 2024, the airline will be flying twice a week from Frankfurt to Rovaniemi, the capital of Lapland in northern Finland, for the first time. Rovaniemi is located on the Arctic Circle and is surrounded by untouched nature. The city is an ideal starting point for exploring breathtaking natural phenomena such as the Northern Lights or spectacular cross-country ski resorts.

With the addition of Rovaniemi, Lufthansa is continuing its success story in Finland. In addition to Helsinki, Oulu, Kittilä, Ivalou and Kuusamo, it is the sixth Finnish destination for Lufthansa Airlines.

Lufthansa will also fly from Frankfurt to Chișinău, the capital of the Republic of Moldova, in winter. This connection was already launched in summer 2024. Nantes (France) can now also be discovered from Munich in winter. The destination, which was added in summer, is now also offered in the cold season.



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