From summer 2024: Condor flies to Miami, Florida - Actualité -

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From summer 2024: Condor flies to Miami, Florida


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Hello Sunshine State: Starting in summer 2024, Condor will fly to Miami in the U.S. state Florida. Connections to Calgary in the Canadian province Alberta will also be resumed. Furthermore, additional nonstop flights to Boston and Halifax on the East Coast are also part of the summer flight schedule. With that, Germany's most popular leisure airline is once again expanding its North America program. Between May and September 2024, there will be three non-stop flights a week from Frankfurt to Miami International Airport and two flights a week to Calgary International Airport.

In addition to the addition of Miami and Calgary, flight frequencies to two existing destinations will be increased in the summer of 2024. The American metropolis Boston will be served six times a week and the Canadian city of Halifax four times a week.



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