Austrian Airlines' Summer Flight Schedule 2018: More Flights to Germany, Greece and Italy - News -

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Austrian Airlines' Summer Flight Schedule 2018: More Flights to Germany, Greece and Italy


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Austrian Airlines' Summer Flight Schedule 2018: More Flights to Germany, Greece and Italy

- Austrian Airlines expands flight connections to Berlin, Düsseldorf and Stuttgart
- Increased frequencies to Chania, Corfu, Karpathos, Kos and Athens
- More flights to Venice, Catania, Olbia and Cagliari

Austrian Airlines is once again showcasing an extensive offering in the new 2018 summer flight schedule, encompassing 138 destinations in 55 countries. “We are focusing on Germany this year. However, we will also boost our flights to Greece and Italy in the summer flight schedule of 2018”, explains Austrian Airlines CCO Andreas Otto. The airline’s portfolio of long-haul flights is also being expanded in the summer season. Austria’s flag carrier will operate five weekly flights to Tokyo as of May 15, 2018. In addition to traditional holiday destinations in Europe, Austrian Airlines will offer more flight connections in the upcoming summer to Tel Aviv, the Israeli metropolis on the Mediterranean. On balance, there will be 18 weekly Austrian Airlines flights between Vienna and Tel Aviv. The summer flight schedule will take effect on March 25, 2018.

Focus on Germany

Austrian Airlines will substantially expand its flight offering to Germany in the upcoming summer. Austria’s national airline will fly up to 55 times per week to Berlin-Tegel, a rise of 21 flights compared to the summer of 2017. Flight connections to Düsseldorf will also be increased with the start of the new summer flight schedule. Austrian Airlines will come close to doubling its offering to Düsseldorf compared to the previous year by operating up to 38 flights per week. Stuttgart is also a key destination in the summer with up to 31 weekly flights from Vienna or five more flight connections than in the last summer flight schedule. On balance, Austrian Airlines is upgrading its flight offering from Vienna to German destinations by adding up to 43 flights per week, with the total number of flight connections from Vienna to Germany up to 248 per week.

More flights to Greece and Italy

Due to rising demand, Austrian Airlines will fly more frequently to Chania, Corfu, Karpathos, Kos and Athens. The airline will operate three additional flights each week, raising the total to 55 weekly flight connections to 17 destinations in Greece. Italy also remains a popular vacation destination. For this reason, Austrian Airlines is expanding its offering by up to thirteen additional flights per week. Frequencies are being increased to Venice, Catania, Olbia and Cagliari, amongst other destinations. Austrian Airlines will operate up to 112 flights each week to eleven destinations in Italy.

Central and Eastern Europe remain the airline’s core markets

Austrian Airlines will continue to be a specialist for Central and Eastern Europe. The Austrian home carrier will fly to a total of 33 destinations in the upcoming summer season. The offering encompasses four cities in the Ukraine i.e. Kiev, Dnipro, Lviv and Odessa. Frequencies will be increased by one additional flight to the latter two destinations to push the total up to eleven weekly flights in each case. On balance, Austrian Airlines will offer up to 42 flights per week connecting Vienna and the Ukraine. The offering of flight connections to Russia encompasses up to 28 weekly flights to Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar. The 2018 flight schedule of Austrian Airlines also includes three destinations in Romania, with up to 47 weekly flights operated to Bucharest, Iasi and Sibiu.

Expansion of long-haul routes

Starting on May 15, 2018, Austrian Airlines will expand its portfolio of long-haul flight connections by adding another highlight, namely Tokyo. It will operate a Boeing 777 on five weekly flights to the Japanese capital city and metropolis of millions, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Moreover, North America is once again strongly represented in the summer flight schedule. For example, the Austrian Airlines flight offering once again includes the popular tourist destination of Los Angeles with six weekly flights. Furthermore, four flights will be operated each week to Miami, six to Toronto and daily flights will be offered to Washington and Chicago. Austrian Airlines will continue to offer thirteen flights each week to the New York airports of Newark and JFK.



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