Virgin Australia restructures its Boeing 737 MAX order - News -

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Virgin Australia restructures its Boeing 737 MAX order


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Virgin Australia has announced it has reached an agreement with Boeing to restructure its B737 MAX order and delivery schedule.

The restructured order book now consists of 25 B737 MAX 10 aircraft which are scheduled for delivery from mid-2023, providing greater efficiencies to the airline as well as a better flying experience for customers. The airline will no longer receive the B737 MAX 8.

Recognising the recertification of the Boeing 737 MAX by the US Federal Aviation Administration and other regulators, Virgin Australia remains confident that global return to service plans will support its arrival in mid-2023. This, alongside design features such as the Boeing Sky Interior and higher seating capacity, make for a better product for customers and the environment.

Virgin Australia remains in discussions with aircraft manufacturers on a fleet strategy to support the reintroduction of widebody services when long-haul international travel demand returns.



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