easyJet signs up to Airbus’ pioneering carbon removal solution - News - IFSMAG.com

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easyJet signs up to Airbus’ pioneering carbon removal solution


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easyJet has become the first airline in the world to sign a contract with Airbus for its carbon-removal initiative. Available through the Airbus Carbon Capture Offer, the technology uses Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS), to offer airlines worldwide carbon removal credits to advance their decarbonisation goals.

DACCS technology filters and removes CO2 emissions directly from the air using high powered extraction fans. Once removed from the air, the CO2 is safely and permanently stored in underground reservoirs. CO2 emissions released into the atmosphere during aircraft operations cannot be directly eliminated at source but with DACCS, an equivalent amount can be extracted from the air. The technology is complementary to other carbon reduction technologies such as the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).

easyJet was amongst the first airlines to sign an agreement with Airbus in 2022, commiting to engage in negotiations on the possible pre-purchase of verified and durable carbon removal credits. easyJet’s credits will last from 2026 to 2029. The carbon removal credits will be issued by Airbus’ partner 1PointFive. Airbus’ agreement with 1PointFive includes the pre-purchase of 400,000 tonnes of carbon removal credits to be delivered over four years.



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