Condor expands flight services to Mallorca in summer 2024 - Actualité -

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Condor expands flight services to Mallorca in summer 2024


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Initial booking figures for summer 2024 point to Mallorca as the largest growth market in German tourism. Condor is responding to these developments by significantly expanding its services to Mallorca. Most of the additional flights will be offered from the new locations Cologne, Dortmund, Munster/Osnabrück, Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden, Rostock and Basel. Condor is thus almost doubling the geographical coverage of its Mallorca service in Germany.

The additional flights will be operated with an Airbus A320, on which guests can expect the popular Condor product: In addition to the classic Economy Class, Business Class can also be booked with a free middle seat, additional free baggage allowance and free sports baggage.

In addition to the six new airports, guests from Germany and Switzerland will fly daily from Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart and Zurich to Mallorca in summer 2024, as well as several times a week from Friedrichshafen.



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