Alaska Airlines recalibrates Boeing 737-9 order - News -

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Alaska Airlines recalibrates Boeing 737-9 order


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Alaska Airlines announced plans today to broaden our mainline fleet by adjusting our current 737-9 aircraft order with Boeing to include the bigger 737-10 and longer-range 737-8, which are all part of the 737 MAX family of planes. These additional 737 models will enhance Alaska Airlines' ability to meet specific market requirements with optimal aircraft size and capability.

"We're excited to add these new 737 models to our fleet and continue our upgauging strategy, which maximizes our revenue opportunity with more seats while reducing unit costs," said Nat Pieper, senior vice president of fleet, finance and alliances at Alaska Airlines. "This announcement is a further step in our drive toward a single fleet featuring Boeing aircraft and CFM engines – we are very appreciative of their partnerships."

Prior to today's announcement, Alaska Airlines' contractual 737 order featured 145 firm orders and options for 737-9 aircraft for delivery between 2021-2026. There are currently 14 737-9s in Alaska Airlines' fleet. Of the remaining 131 aircraft, 79 are firm orders and 52 are options. We now envision a mix of 70 737-9s, 60 737-10s and 15 737-8s for the 145 planes.



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