From summer 2023: Condor resumes flights to Antalya - News -

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From summer 2023: Condor resumes flights to Antalya


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Back in Turkey: from summer 2023, Germany's most popular leisure airline will resume connections to Antalya. A Condor A320 will take travellers daily from Dusseldorf and Frankfurt to the sunny Turkish city.

Ralf Teckentrup, CEO of Condor: "We are very much looking forward to flying our guests to Turkey again next summer from two German airports. With the daily connections to the popular holiday destination, we are expanding our portfolio of sun destinations around the Mediterranean sea."

Antalya is considered the centre of the Turkish Riviera. The region in the south of the country delights with a kilometre-long coastline, archaeological sights and a mild climate all year round. Condor last flew to the destination in September 2020.



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